There is an addictive quality to the power of ‘yes’. A magical word that causes movement. It opens doors; explores new territories, expands our minds, assists others, and nurtures relationships. Saying ‘yes’ is empowering, and in giving to another you are also giving to yourself. Including ‘yes’ as part of a business strategy, is an engaging way to build your brand, and grow your audience.

Giving is Not Giving In
As a new business, entrepreneurs, consultants and small business owners, understood. the importance of generating awareness of their existence. Networking was key to build visibility, to seek advice, to sell our services, or to introduce us to 2nd party connections. We are hopeful for the power of ‘yes’ from others. In return, the power of ‘yes’ becomes our gratitude to pay it back. This is the stance of American comedian Burt Kreischer whose simple approach was shared in Inc. Magazine, “If I have the opportunity to give that feeling to another person trying to jump-start their career in an industry I love… why wouldn’t I say yes?”

Building Your Brand
Your brand is your company name, your personal name, products or services. From brick-and-mortar to online stores, consumers are inundated with choices. Content saturation requires businesses to work harder to stand out among the competition. The power of ‘yes’ can be used to push your business to the forefront and grow a targeted audience. Speaking at a relevant conference, supporting a non-profit, taking a job change, teaching a course, or participating in events, are ways to generate visibility.

Going back to the powerful Inc. Magazine article, NASCAR driver Ryan Blaney has been a voiceover in children’s movies, played a cameo role in a couple of movies, and even bartended on Bravo. His brand strategy is visibility and engagement, and in saying ‘yes’ he has increased his fan base and contributed to Team Penske® and the NASCAR® brand.

Benefits of Saying Yes
It is easy to live in our comfort zone. Personally, we have specific routines that we enjoy. Professionally, we have committed clients and focus on that relationship. Here are reasons to say ‘yes’ more often:

  1. Opens the door to new opportunities. Being interviewed on a Podcast, speaking at a conference, and hosting a networking event are opportunities to expand our personal and professional horizon. Hesitating to act can cause a one-time offer to disappear.
  2. Immerses us into society to build our networks, see how similar businesses are strategizing, becoming aware of what is new, increasing our confidence in front of other people and pushing us out of the confines of The Box.
  3. Teaches us by presenting a new way of working or living. From technology, to competitors, to other industries, we learn by seeing and experiencing.

The ways in which ‘yes’ will expand your world is lengthy. Author and CEO of Work, Life, Love Samantha Ettusexplains it smartly and succinctly, “A rich life and a yes attitude go hand in hand.”

Work Life Balance
Getting into the habit of a yes-filled attitude does not mean running yourself ragged causing damage to a healthy work-life balance. Saying ‘no’ when schedules are full, priorities are long, or requests are unreasonable, is acceptable and encouraged. Setting goals, keeping a calendar, and clocking out for family, friends, and self is an important part of yes to keep you balanced.

In Collaboration
As a society we are not meant to live or work in isolation. Adopting a yes attitude can create mental stimulation as we take on new projects in which we learn or teach. Emotional growth from helping another business grow; providing support or guidance or lending our own successes to help another achieve theirs. Physical benefits from constantly moving forward, literally or metaphorically.

Magic and movement. Personal and professional. What changes can you make today to create an infinite path for growth through the power of ‘yes’. Let us help.

The Hechtman Group Ltd., is a CPA and consulting services firm servicing all of Chicagoland. Since 1961, we have provided PRISM CFO-Controller Services? designed services for growth-oriented small business owners. Our professionals provide financial planning, investment and tax management, estate planning, payroll services, and other financial advisory services. For more information, contact us today at 847-256-3100 or by email at

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